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tv   [untitled]    November 29, 2012 11:00am-11:30am EST

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at eight pm moscow time color stadiums raise their hopes with a successful statehood bid at the u.n. despite firm opposition from the u.s. and israel which claimed the status upgrade would improve life for the autonomy we call the latest tonight also the u.k. david cameron praises the long anticipated leveson report that suggests the government might tighten its grip over the u.k. media though says a special law might be too much. and unrelenting protests in egypt as christians and liberals boycott the vote on a new constitution through the document will only cement the president's and the muslim brotherhood's grip on power.
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on a thursday evening very good evening to you if you just joined us now it's crunch time for palestinians eagerly anticipating a u.n. vote which may finally see them granted a long sought after state good the autonomy is hoping to be upgraded to the position of nonmember observer state that's the crucial word artie's may have put maya has got the latest from new york. well the palestinians are expected to win their u.n. bid by an overwhelming margin according to reports more than one hundred thirty member states of the united nations will vote in favor of recognizing palestine as a nonmember observer observer states now palestine only needs two thirds of the majority of the one hundred ninety three nations of the general assembly to win this big now the u.s. has been campaigning feverish lead to the rail two days contentious vote on wednesday u.s. secretary of state hillary clinton said that washington has made it very clear to the palestinian leadership that the u.s. opposes policy in efforts to upgrade their status at the u.n.
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outside of the framework of direct negotiations now france on the other hand is among the many members of the one that is expected to vote in favor of the palestinians and the u.s. has expressed regret over what it calls a clash between allies last year palestine did submit an application for full membership to the un but that was blocked by the us at the security council didn't even come to a vote but the us did right to veto that application if it did come to a vote in the security council and now here we are fourteen months later with the palestinians going to the general assembly of the un palestine does receive this upgraded. status at the un palestine can use their status to try to join the international criminal court this would allow them to press for investigations into israel's practices in the occupied territories the palestinians will also be able
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to seek membership in specialized agencies of the united nations and the u.s. has publicly threatened to cut off financing to international organizations that admit palestine as a member we should remind our viewers that back in two thousand and eleven the u.s. congress cut financing to unesco excepted palestine as a member there's also a chance that another consequence could be that the u.s. . it's off its funding to the palestinian authority palestine has long sought to establish an independent sovereign state in the west bank which would include them in the gaza strip which is occupied by israel during the one thousand nine hundred sixty seven six day war now one thousand nine hundred ninety three the oslo accord between palestine and israel led to a mutual recognition of a two state solution but nearly two decades later a permanent peace settlement hasn't been produced with the latest round of negotiations breaking down back in two thousand and ten hundreds of people flooded the streets of ramallah in support of the bid submitted by authorities in the west but the palestinian leadership sought to mystic despite strong opposition from the
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u.s. and israel. reports one success of the un is so important for the palestinians. here in gaza this has a lot of significance because the palestinian territories geographically noncontiguous we have the west bank and gaza in the west bank in particular sociate and with the power of mahmoud abbas and here in gaza particular associated with the power of hamas recently of course we've had the two thousand and twelve gaza war seven eight day war with the state of israel and palestinian resistance groups including the resistant wing of hamas as part of brigades and used force against the state of israel in that conflict now that is starkly different in terms of positioning with the state of israel in terms of engaging with the state of israel in comparison to mahmoud abbas who is seen in the western world as much more moderate in comparison to hamas presenting
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a more hardline position including armed resistance against the state of israel so what we have here is a palestinian political dynamic as well if the western world and indeed the u.n. does not support this increase status for the palestinian people then what will almost certainly happen will be that mahmoud abbas is seen as even weaker of the palestinian national rep. sensitive and hamas will be further strengthened to the dismay of israel and the united states you fear the worst talk about what's at stake in this bridge for the palestinians what hope to gain from it. as you direct through the american task force in palestine thanks so much to be on the line from washington d.c. it's appreciated now do you believe this bit of it is successful in a survey we think it will be will bring any benefit to the peace process. as you said it will be successful overwhelmingly so. it really depends on very
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action that they offer if the israeli and american reaction is to impose. economic sanctions on the palestinians then this might lead to the collapse of the policy of already which is in no one's interest i am quite confident though that neither israel nor the u.s. wants to do that so this is the first factor the second factor is what will the palestinians do next there's no doubt that present our best no is strengthened his stocks are up his diplomatic standing has increased the question is will he use this new strength to forge a. stronger towards this uming a peace process towards really cornering the israelis in particular and putting them in a situation where they have no choice but to negotiate or will we see more confrontation over the next few months between the palestinians and the u.s. and israel in which case i'm afraid we'll see more of the same of what we've been seeing over the last year or so you brought it up just and i wonder what the reaction will be from america from israel. but it's
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despite all of the. very harsh noises that we've been hearing over the last few months i think specially after the gaza. conflict of last week i think what israel and the united states understand that undermining. what they are frustrated with undermining him would not be in their interest collapsing that would create a security and political vacuum in the west bank and collapsing and weakening that strength and hamas with its terrorist tendencies and what have you so i think that we will have a lot of verbal strong reactions but i doubt that we will see any direct punishment or sanctions against it here is some of the super one getting one up on the on how masses well do you think end of the day. there is very much part of it at least as a defines the american israeli and some extent the european reaction i think there is a clear understanding now that the gaza conflict gave us quite
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a huge rise and quite a huge boost in popularity and diplomatic legitimacy and i think this will we will see and i tend to balance the outcome of this war and to try to support the law and present our case which is peaceful negotiations diplomacy as opposed to violence and terrorism is this move going to further that. it really depends on what happens after for a bass himself i think with this will definitely give him a boost in standing in popularity i want you have to keep in mind that for the last two years his approach of the promises has produced almost nothing for the palestinians or at least that's how the see it so this he can go back to go back to the west bank to the palestinians and say i have done something i have brought you a state he will have some political credit the question is how he's going to use it the day after i mean israel's often accuses me of refusing to make concessions in these talks these long reaching talks but what what concessions are the
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palestinians make are they likely to make them in the future. in terms of the actual negotiations it's very clear. israelis would have to accept the division of jerusalem and a palestinian state on the sixty seven borders as the palestinians would have to accept there is not going to be no exercise of the right of return the question is to get to these negotiations what do the sides need to do with the palestinians more flexibility on the condition of settlement freeze of course the settlements are illegal and the palestinian will continue to advocate in this direction but will they drop this as a condition and will the israelis come to the table with a reasonable proposal for negotiations i think this is what we will see the diplomacy over the next weeks and particularly after the israeli elections in january this is where the diplomacy i believe will start focusing. on the program much appreciated thanks being with this guy thought because he director of the american tax force thanks for having alice time. senior israeli foreign official
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says the states last year of support convinced the continuity the back the palestinians or abstain and one of the country said to withhold it say is germany which it was reportedly mulling over a vote against palestine dr rainer the free democratic party told us only talks can lead to a lasting peace. our ultimate political goal is definitely is two state solution and i think everybody in the world knows that germany has a special relationship to israel everybody in the world knows the security of israel is of major concern to us and just having lived through a period of tremendous. bad events in israel and gaza we could see that is that that is that israel has a size of a job instead of has to be attacked by war more than one thousand five hundred rockets we can understand security concerns that's why we have a special relationship and that's why we are very concerned about the upcoming
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process with our decision to abstain this time we would make very clear that we support the ultimate goal of two state solution and that we would encourage everybody to come back to the negotiating table in order to find a peaceful solution for both sides or just keep abreast of it all i can let you know the vote on the great a palestinian state is that the united nations expected it's a place twenty one hours g.m.t. tonight we'll of course keep you up to date on the outcome. the wide reaching leveson report into the standards of the u.k. press has suggested it should be regulated by a new independent body backed by legislation the prime minister cameron's agreed that contact between politicians and media exactly should be made public one of the first reactions polyploid joins me live on the with more of the story as well polly going to evening take a sort of the main points of this report he would. well leveson very damning in his reports about the press ethics of some of the parts of the newspaper industry said
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that they ruined and wreaked havoc with some innocent people's lives also very critical of politicians cozy relationship that's how he called it with powerful media organizations and what his recommendations really boiled down to was that he says that the u.k. needs to create a new independent press watchdog that will be underpinned by new legislation but did the government agree with the findings well david cameron has just been responding to the recommendations now he says he wholeheartedly agrees with lord leveson is recommendations that press regulation in britain at the moment is badly broken and needs a radical overhaul but and this is a very big bucks kev and he isn't very sure that it should be underpinned by new legislation he says that he thinks that lord leveson recommendations can be
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implemented without changing the law this is a very close look but many sides as the what was the opinion of the other side of the barricades if you like from the journalists well we actually had the labor leader ed miliband responding as well he said that he agrees with lord leveson is recommendations but actually he thinks that the rules should be changed now the journalists and the press community they're not very enthusiastic about changing the lure and bringing in more stringent regulation that could be enforced by new laws they say that that could threaten the very nature of freedom of speech here in britain now we spoke to one journalist a little bit earlier and let's take a listen to what he said. the trouble of freedom of speech is that it's not like any other industry it's not like estate agents or lawyers in which you can drop regulations it's a fundamental thing that we all have and it's a natural right. so it's not something you can just sort of tinker with this is
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a long build up to the publication of this report is this it was just a final decision the final findings or really expect more debate on it. more debate certainly kevin this is just the start of it we've had lord leveson is recommendations but the how to go about implementing them is really going to be up for debate now in an unprecedented move nick clegg the deputy prime minister the junior partner in this coalition government he's going to be issuing a separate statement a separate response to the leveson findings now if that doesn't show a split in the way on how to handle the situation i don't know what does so it looks like whether or not to underpin this new regulatory body by law is really going to be the bone of contention and the debate that's going to be raging on about it is only just starting your poly thanks for bringing us up to speed on. one of our team in the u.k. thank you. still to come this hour of news with me kevin o.
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in belgrade accuses the hague of biased self the war crimes but acquit some form of a general of killing and torturing so in the one nine hundred ninety s. you can. feel the bailout heat with the media and lawmakers blasting chancellor merkel for concealing the true cost to save greece or about to after this break. a lovely quiet morning a family gently sleeps in district heights maryland when fifty armed f.b.i. agents stormed the house and guns drawn despite the family pleading that they were unarmed the law enforcement agents opened fire on a weaponless teenager my asian huli thankfully sholay suffered minor flesh wounds
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but the key issue is that it remains unknown as to why the house was stormed so here in america for no reason guys in black uniform storm someone's house all alone in some rounds and left with no justification or explanation yes the family still doesn't know why this happened the f.b.i. is remaining silent you know i understand that there are some very bad individuals out there doing some very bad stuff at home but if you don't even really know whose house you're storming or why you're storming it then maybe you should lay off the siege for a while you know what take a few minutes to think it over have a cup of coffee and maybe even do a little google search about the fourth amendment but that's just my opinion. mission free cretaceous free storage which is free. range and free. three stooges. free.
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video for your media project free video dog party dot com. technology innovation. development russia. the future covered. egypt's national assembly is expected to vote on a new constitution later thursday hoping to a pace tens of thousands of protesters across the country has been mounting for a week now after president morsi granted himself on challenge powers although
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promising to to abandon them once a new constitution and parliament are in place journalist bell trues got the latest for you from cairo. when this constitution is drafted and goes through referendum president morsi wrote in his controversial constitution that gratian his extra powers he's assumed will and to this is after the referendum however the real issue the heart of this debate is the constitution itself and the way that it's being drafted the opposition forces really see the constituent assembly. body because at least a quarter of its members have staged a walkout including keep representatives from the church from liberal leftist forces for example so this constitution they really see has been drafted by president morsy supporters members of the muslim brotherhood and the other is the most groups still left in the constituent assembly so i'm afraid this document will do nothing really than to increase the anger of the opposition forces who at the
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moment is staging an ongoing sit in in fact we have a protest call today by opposition and pro morsi supporters which if we if they meet we expect to see quite a lot of clashes on the streets this is also already been. very violent we've seen the death of at least one protester in these clashes between rival protesters as curses continue on the streets surrounding cairo we go now to my colleague tom barton who has more from the scene we're still in the center of cairo a protest as have emerged from around the side of this building in a psycho off to and fro bucholz with stones and tear gas with the police the police just stood over there and they keep emerging and firing tear gas canisters back at the protesters the protesters all morning have been rocking cars and trying to pull the doors off smashing windows throwing stones they've also been picking up the take last grenades of the police and throwing them back at the police some of the
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stones lining a bit closer now that the police come back and this has been going on for about two days now it's back and forth bottle last night. they set fire to buildings on the police and the protesters dragging back casualties who have been with always watching and choking on the take gas and head injuries and other injuries from the flying stones all of this set off by muhammad missed his declaration last week he is now good to expected to make a television. a television address to the nation to try and explain why he took such unprecedented power as people in top three square haven't seen such violent protests that a more peaceful i'm not allowed to protest as well they want to send a message rescind this rescind this announcement rescind these powers you've given yourself they're supporting largely the country's top judges to be on strike and they the judges say that they will not allow this measure despite how mohammed
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morsi trying to say he is trying to find a compromise it seems likely this will go on until the situation can be to feast. on his tongue but in cairo they will plug in john as well as told us there's a growing feeling in egypt that the still a long way to go to real democracy the fact of the matter is that everything is going in the opposite direction of what the revolution is called for the constituent assembly itself is a reflection of how unwilling to share power the muslim brotherhood are and along with one hundred morsi. he says that he will give back hours as soon as a parliament is elected but he's not allowing the gyptian to share in writing the constitution so this to me seems like a false promise about giving back power because the one thing he can do is allow dictions to write their own constitution and share power and he's not doing that. footage of an obscenity laced performance which cause international outcry may soon
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be banned from the internet in russia we're talking about that tonight at r.t. dot com you can find out there why the country's authorities decided to block access to video clips of the tourist punk band pussy riot in the storyline from last also their two mystery man a billion dollar gas deal between ukraine and a spanish contract is very up in the air tonight with kiev and we had one clueless as to who they've actually done business with how do you do that more in line. the hague tribunal for war crimes has acquitted kosovo's former prime minister and too busy for a second time roma sheridan i was facing numerous charges of murder and torture of serbs during the war in yugoslavia at the end of the one nine hundred ninety s. the hague tribunal so far only sentenced one course of all bathing compared to most of the fifty guilty verdicts for serps political analyst legs out of power which says this acquittal only proves how prejudiced they caught. a
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tribunal were are. really. going to. the united states were. really matter i'm. going to. be much been trying. to make sure america's. army in our war. only. by weapon and prevention remember. i remember right here. we're going to have a chance you are actually going to. get a lot. of good now have the right part or we don't all. i think or rather all.
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in brief you tonight human rights watch claims that syrian rebels have been sending children as young as fourteen the fight in the ranks for certain opposition groups lashed out at turkey saying it feels violence by allowing foreign mercenaries hired to fight against assad into the war torn country this is france britain and some other countries pledge their support to another rebel alliance the foreign based coalition paris is already agreed to allocate one point five million dollars to the . french schools overturn the manslaughter verdict against continental airlines now the company was blamed for that fateful concorde crash back in the year two thousand and twelve years ago one of the supersonic jet crashed shortly after it took off from france was one of those pictures killing one hundred thirteen people it's believed a piece of deborah which fell from another continental plane on the runway just before it critically damaged that concorde on takeoff conic plane was then retired
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in two thousand and three by british and french airlines. chancellor angela merkel has been called to account in germany of why she signed off on seven hundred thirty million euros worth of concessions for greece a hefty bill that will be footed by german taxpayers is peter all over him belin. the opposition members of the social democrat party have merkel and her center right coalition that's the point the start is not merely a rubber stamping service and if they want to push through this latest package they're going to have to prove to m.p.'s that it's in the best interests of germany what this latest package contains is a bond buyback scheme low interest rates only the debts that greece has as well as the hunting over of profit from these debts what they say in chile means though is that for twenty thirteen germany is set to lose around seven hundred and thirty million euros to implementing these latest measures all of that of course not
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making great reading for chancellor merkel she said time and time again that the german taxpayer would not be hit financially by germany giving help to greece now they have to admit that that is going to happen and this is all happening on the basis that greece can pay some of it back by twenty sixteen where it should be back on its feet almost well considering the current state of the greek economy not an optimistic statement to make the opposition i mentioned the social democrats they're saying that any updates on restructuring for greece will have to wait until after the general election takes place here in germany so with the chancellor of the election starting to come into view and merkel essentially being politically embarrassed by having to go back on a promise she's made whole stone to be a very interesting debate when german politicians discuss the latest financial aid
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package for greece. cut to twenty seven minutes past eight o'clock at night moscow time thanks for being with us mike's scholars are stacey her body a very soon to see the similarities between the central banks of congo a brick. just was filling the voles interesting program coming up after the break. the right either takes your breath away to eating across the sky as it was a mohnish good you know the biggest salt lake in europe or more than two hundred species of birds but also it is them are on the verge of extinction on these islands in the south of russia they find shelter before migrating to other parts of
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the world as well as other species of the monish who do low feed and face these birds are waiting for their parents to bring them food the best cash for them is in a small area of the lake with the water is relatively fresh his fish cannot survive in the salty a part of the money and the lakes getting salty every year the monish good deal lows and all too fishel reservoir which was filled in the nineteen fifties in the areas hot climate the water evaporates quickly and the local saw as natural saltiness takes over. from birds the drying out of the lake cool so threatening one of the world's biggest populations of mustangs. there more than four hundred of the animals here theories are protected. it's a place of peace and calm in recent decades dozens of canals have been dug around here to cultivate the local staps broad grassy plains this may be useful for humans
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. but it does badly hit many species as the animals here for instance so i guess antelopes just some forty years ago there were more than two million. nowhere else in the world but now people brought the species to the brink of extinction this region has been reaching life for thousands of use but now we know relatively short space of time makes my brain diversity of creatures is second of all from it's by men and may choose self. oh max kaiser welcome to the kaiser report mark is finance and read all i've got to read.


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